Monday, December 5, 2011

Oh and yes...

...being as that I am a mom, wife and business professional there may be times in which I blog about more than just my trying to lose weight and get fit.  With that bieng said, I will more thank likely drop an F-bomb or two and at times ten so if you offend easily this be not the blog for you.

The Journey Begins..well just as soon my Team Beachbody arrives

It seems like every day for the past decade I've considered a diet. And every day for the past decade, the consideration has been just that-a consideration--the act of considering; careful thought; meditation deliberation (thank you  I would wake up thinking "today I won't make unhealthy choices, I'll have oatmeal for breakfast ,6+ servings of fruits and veggies, 24oz. of milk, some grains" and then I leave home after not having breakfast, work until lunch, head to a local fast food joint and consume a number 2. 

I was a faithful gymgoer for a few years attending Spinning classes 5-6 times a week and I even hired a personal trainer but I wasn't seeing any results.  Yea, I could see some tone and definition in my arms and legs and I could go harder than ever before on the elliptical and rower.  I could complete three sets of 25 reps on the Roman Chair  but my weight wasn't going down. The truth of the matter was that I wasn't giving my body the fuel it needed or deserved. So I stopped going to the gym as often.  I got married.  I got pregnant and then I stopped going to the gym totally and now I am heavier than ever.

I had the pleasure (I'm being sarcastic of course) of stepping on a scale today and the digital reader displayed 271.0lbs.  I'm not surprised.  I'm not mad.  I'm just happy that I was on Facebook, recognized a face I went to college with, friended her and behold she's a Independent Team BeachBody Coach who like me was an avid gym goer that wasn't seeing results. I read her story, watched her YouTube clip, considered what she was putting out there, researched the BeachBody folks and the followers seemed very pleased and had a lot of success, so I took their challenge.  Kati recommended it to me, I accepted and now my journey begins.

I ordered the Brazil Butt Lift and Shakeology Challenge  (yes black people need to bring up the rear too) and I am anxiously awaiting my product.  There are three price tiers to choose and with each price tier a number of different programs to choose from.  Since I am just starting out after being away from the gym for so long I choose BBL with hopes of continuing on to Insanity and then P90X2 (which there is still time to preorder for delivery by January 1, 2012).

Join me as this overweight mommy and wife journey's to regain control of her health and wellbeing. 

Feel free to email me with questions regarding anything Team Beachbody or if you would like to take the journey with me.

Now all I have to do is patiently wait for my Shakeology and Brazil Butt Lift to arrive and then Slim to Thin here I come.